Don’t Take No for an Answer

Let Leading Public Adjusters One handle your denied insurance claim

It’s an awful feeling, finding out your insurance claim has been denied after suffering a loss. There are many reasons an insurance company may give for initially denying your claim, including:

  • Failing to meet time-sensitive requirements for filing and documentation of your claim
  • A missed premium payment
  • Anything the insurance company’s adjuster deems to be suspicious or questionable concerning your claim.
  • Failing to provide sufficient documentation of the damage.
  • Exclusion clauses that the insurance company believes apply to your specific claim.
  • Failure to initiate sufficient preventative measures after a loss that would reduce further damage and/or mitigate the extent of your loss.

While these are all legally acceptable reasons for an insurance carrier to deny a claim, the actual application of said reasons is subject to the perspective of the insurance claims adjuster working on behalf of the insurance company. For instance, an exclusionary clause could be applied based on a faulty or erroneous interpretation. The professionals at Leading Public Adjusters One can help determine if your claim was wrongfully denied and, if possible, ultimately lead to an overturning of the denial…and an equitable settlement for you!

Why Should You Call Leading Public Adjusters One?

Professional Experience

Our team has years of practical experience dealing with insurance companies, successfully negotiating on behalf of our clients. As a full-time public adjusting firm, we’re dedicated to the faithful execution of our duties to ultimately provide a successful result to every client. We get results.

Professional Knowledge

Our adjusters have the specific training necessary to review each claim in the same manner as an insurance adjuster. They have an intimate understanding of the claims process, enabling them to anticipate and address issues before they become roadblocks to your settlement. By understanding how the insurance company approaches and handles the claim process, we can better navigate that process, resulting in quicker (and better) results.

Professional Approach

Leading Public Adjusters One treats every client as if they were our ONLY client. That means you receive a level of personalized service that reflects our professional commitment to delivering a satisfactory result to you. We take the time to explain our process, answer your questions, and address any concerns you may have. And our team takes pride in providing answers that avoid any confusing industry-speak, so you don’t have to be an industry. That’s our job!

Let LPA1 overturn your denied claim and get you the money you should be paid!

We look forward to helping you get what you deserve.

CALL: 786-615-2224


LPA1 will visit your residence or business property to provide a free inspection. Speak to one of our expert adjusters to start your insurance claim. Available to you 24/7.

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